BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Scottsdale Center For The Performing Arts - ECPv5.16.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Scottsdale Center For The Performing Arts X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Scottsdale Center For The Performing Arts BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Phoenix BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0700 TZOFFSETTO:-0700 TZNAME:MST DTSTART:20220101T000000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Phoenix:20220116T193000 DTEND;TZID=America/Phoenix:20220116T193000 DTSTAMP:20230602T012013 CREATED:20210408T220645Z LAST-MODIFIED:20211029T165049Z SUMMARY:NOJO7 DESCRIPTION:About the event \nLed by Grammy®-winning drummer and artistic director Adonis Rose\, NOJO7 is a dynamic seven-piece touring ensemble drawn from the full New Orleans Jazz Orchestra. Playing in the New Orleans brass band style\, the group has the versatility to perform within various musical idioms and has a broad repertoire that encompasses traditional New Orleans music\, funk\, R&B\, and original compositions. The band tours with Ledisi\, and has collaborated with the rapper Slick Rick\, Dee Dee Bridgewater\, Eric Benét\, and several other major performing artists.  \nPetite Fleur\, the orchestra’s latest album\, featuring Cyrille Aimee\, tells the beautiful love story between France and the city of New Orleans as the musicians create a recording that exemplifies the cultural sophistication and collaboration between artists from different parts of the world sharing similar musical experiences. The album features the classic songs “Petite Fleur\,” “Si Tu Savais\,” and “What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life\,” along with original compositions. Petite Fleur takes the listener on a musical journey filled with love\, history\, and inspiration.  URL: LOCATION:Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts | Virginia G. Piper Theater\, 7380 E 2nd St\, Scottsdale\, AZ\, 85251\, United States CATEGORIES:Jazz ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR